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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dengan memasang widget sharing is sexy, maka postingan atau artikel sobat akan cepat tersebar dan otomatis blog sobat akan cepat terkenal di situs-situs social bookmark yang notabennya memang tempat berkumpulnya para blogger di seluruh di dunia. Tapi dengan catatan isi konten menarik, dan sobat wajib mendaftar di berbagai situs social bookmark agar sobat bisa langsung sharing tanpa menunggu pengunjung blog yang mengklik widget sharing is sexy-nya.

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  • Kemudian klik tab Edit HTML.
  • Centang Expand Template Widget.
  • Copy kode di bawah ini dibawah kode ]]></b:skin> 
<style type='text/css'>
div.sexy-bookmarks { height:54px; background:url(http://lh5.ggpht.com/_7Y9pl24WpQY/TXarM4d7_uI/AAAAAAAAE4c/1SvA_kEmBDQ/sharing_thumb%5B3%5D.png) no-repeat left bottom;position:relative; width:540px }
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<div class='sexy-bookmarks'>
<ul class='socials'>
<li class='sexy-delicious'><a expr:href='&quot;http://del.icio.us/post?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'/></li>
<li class='sexy-digg'><a expr:href='&quot; http://digg.com/submit?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'/></li>
<li class='sexy-technorati'><a expr:href='&quot; http://technorati.com/faves?add=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'/></li>
<li class='sexy-reddit'><a expr:href='&quot; http://www.reddit.com/submit?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'/></li>
<li class='sexy-stumble'><a expr:href='&quot; http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'/></li>
<li class='sexy-designfloat'><a expr:href='&quot;http://www.designfloat.com/submit.php?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'/></li>
<li class='sexy-facebook'><a expr:href='&quot; http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'/></li>
<li class='sexy-twitter'><a expr:href='&quot; http://twitthis.com/twit?url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'/></li>
<li class='sexy-furl'><a expr:href='&quot; http://www.furl.net/storeIt.jsp?u=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'/></li>
<li class='sexy-syndicate'><a href='http://feeds2.feedburner.com/miscah' title='Subscribe to RSS'/></li>
<li class='sexy-email'><a expr:href='&quot; mailto:?subject=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank'/></li>
<span class='sexy-rightside'/></div>

Kemudian Simpan Template.

Ganti tulisan yang berwarna merah dengan ID feedburner sobat, jika belum punya sobat bisa daftarkan blog sobat langsung di feedburner.

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    Hai,.. I am just an ordinary man who just might share the knowledge that I know ahead of you, No one is more perfect. Always keep learning and sharing of knowledge, Just be Yourself and be The Unique that makes them know who you are.!! pengembarabiru.blogspot.com

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